Thursday, August 28, 2014

How Do You Build a Wall Around Your Mind?

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Thoughts attack all of us!!!  Especially woman....we have a tendency to think with our feelings or emotions and allow negative thoughts and words stick to us and hurt us...

I am so guilty of doing this and even though I wanted to change, I really didn't know how without putting allot of thought into my thinking process..  I hope what I have learned will help you to corral your thoughts and protect yourself from this kind of pain and torture!!!

I have learned to think logically about my heartfelt thoughts.  I lean on the men in my life, Mike (my boyfriend), Johnathan (my son) and Bob (my pastor) to help me redirect my thinking and channel my emotion in the correct direction.  I am not perfect at it but I am learning!!!

Recently, Mike taught me to build a wall around my mind to protect me from poisonous thoughts that were attacking my brain...  I didn't understand exactly what he was talking about or rather exactly how to implement this bit of wisdom.  After much prayer and thinking and letting God download and translate what Mike was saying into my kind of girl language, this is what I came up with....

Building a wall around my mind is literally taking that negative thought and breaking it down with the truth.  If I hear a rumor about someone's opinion about me, I check myself to see if this is a true fault in me, if it is I deal with it, if it isn't I dismiss it because and go on.  Either way, if my life doesn't directly involve that person it doesn't matter anyway.  I am not at this point, capable of completely dismissing something that is bothering me with out giving more thought to it...So, instead of accepting the poison, I counter it with truth and positive therefore building a wall of protection around my heart...

I hope this makes sense.  To summarize, when you think something negative, push it out of your head immediately, (I haven't conquered that yet!!! LOL)  If you can't push it out and it starts to plague you, think it through and let the truth with positive thinking build a wall around your heart so the arrows of thoughts and words can't touch you!!!

Have a great day and be healthy in your thought life today!!
Love you,

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