Thursday, September 25, 2014

What Are The Benefits of Positive Thinking?

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Have you ever got so mad, hurt, offended or discouraged that you actually felt it creep on your body?

When I pay attention to what is going through my mind and listen to what God is saying about the situation then I can push those negative thoughts that are causing the pain out of my mind.... I can  replace the thoughts with the truth.  I am learning from some of my mentors in the makeup business that there is a positive for every negative, we just have to find it.....actually God is preaching this message to me everywhere I turn.  I was watching a t-tapp seminar the other day and Teresa Tapp said the same thing.

The way I find the positive is to meditate on what God says about me and the situation.  For instance, sometimes I feel overwhelmed with my weight loss journey and I feel like it is never going to end, that I will never have the body I want....If I allow that thought to enter my mind, I can get discouraged to the point of eating bad things and being lazy.  But, if I think about it for a few minutes and remember the promise I received almost 18 years ago that God would restore the days of my youth.....I realize that I'm almost there!!!!!

Lots of times if I clear my mind of the negative and open myself up to God, He gives me a small phrase to think about....Our Creator is so wonderful to help us through life.  He wants good things for us.  He designed our brains and our thought life to determine our steps.  He gave us the wonderful gift of learning and listening to Him so we can be successful in life.......I love learning more about His plan for my life...

Positive thinking actually causes me to be healthy in body.  When I think negative thoughts, it actually invites the negative to cause stress on my body.  If I let it go long enough I can actually get sick.  I have been paying attention to my thoughts for a few years now, it is a process that takes a long time and I'm still not good at it but I'm getting better.

Positive thinking causes you to make good decisions.  Where your thoughts go is where you will go.  Let me take it a step further, when you voice your positive thinking, you get where you want to go even faster!!!

The benefits of positive thinking are different for everyone because we are all made to be unique and are all on different paths but basically, your thought life can bring health to your entire being.  It can help you make good decisions, it can help in relationships, including the most important one, with your Creator.  Negative thinking is sometimes done on purpose by evil to get us off track, that's why we must fight the bad and allow the good to take over our thinking!!!

As I bring this post to an end I want to give you something to think about....You are special!! You were designed and created to influence your atmosphere.  You are a gift to the people around you.  You were made for a purpose and every step of your journey in life is specifically designed to mold and shape you into the being your were created to be.  You will always learn and always get better if you try.  The hard times make you stronger and the good times give you rest for the next battle, just remember God loves you and if you let Him, He is waiting to help you control your thoughts and control your actions which will control your destiny......

I love you and I hope you have a wonderful day...

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