Thursday, September 4, 2014

How Positive Thinking Got Me Off My Rear!!!

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I hope all of you are doing great this fine day!!!  I continue to learn life lessons to better my life....  As you already know, if you are following me, is that I struggle with exercise...  This morning I knew it was my day to t-tapp...but I was sore from the last time and I din't want to get up!!

I laid in bed, too lazy and sore to even get up to go to the bathroom and I started talking to myself...Ok, SONIA!  You want to be more healthy....nothing, You want to have a flat followers are counting on you to do the right thing....nothing (sorry, just wasn't feeling it!!)  Then I started thinking about a book I've been reading "For Women Only" on relationships and how to understand your man.  I am always looking for ways to improve every area of my life.  I realized that yesterday I read a chapter about men who appreciate when their woman takes care of her physical appearance.  According to the surveys taken by the author, men take it personal when the woman refuses to care but he won't say anything because he doesn't want to hurt her feelings....I started thinking further about my children and grandchildren and how many times they have invited me to do something that I was too tired to do...Not caring for my body hurts my family!!!

Up out of bed I went and put my exercise video on!!!  Believe it or not, my soreness and pain totally disappeared.  I walked around getting ready for work feeling great about myself because I conquered today!!!  I did what I was supposed to do and it made me feel great, on the inside and out!!!  I would not have succeeded if I had of allowed the negative thoughts of pain to remain in my mind....It took a few positive thinking tries but I finally found the one that worked for me today!!!

I encourage you to find what works for you and learn to motivate yourself to do whatever you want to do...If you don't know where to start..ask God to help and I promise He will. I am sure He is the one that brought my man and my family to my mind to motivate me as I softly complained to Him this morning about my pain...I'm not perfect and trust me when I say this is a journey.  I have not reached my destination yet but I am sure when I do there will be another journey to start!!!

Thanks for coming on this journey with me...I know we can conquer exercise and weight loss together!!!

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Love ya,

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