Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What Is Real Love & How Does It Help You Transform?

Link to Video

Welcome to Transformation Tuesday at SoniaRai.com!!!  I want to share a little bit of something very dear to my heart and that is the subject of REAL Love.....In October of 2013 I was in my living room praying about a specific situation and I heard the voice of God!!!  I don't pretend to hear His voice all the time like this but there are occasions in my life where His voice was so obvious I can't deny it and this was one of those days......

I heard Him say, "Sonia, you do NOT know how to love."  I didn't understand Him.  I love my kids, I love my mom, I love my friends, etc.  He told me I had two months to figure it out!!!  I didn't quite understand everything but I had an idea it had something to do with the love of my life.  I started seeking the scripture for love and landed on the all time favorite I Corinthians 13.  I opened my eyes to this passage like never before and began to let God expose what I was lacking and that was Real Love!!!

I was mostly raised in church....I love church and I love church people but there are dangers of catching a disease in church called "religion".  Religion causes you to judge people and only see their faults.  I caught this disease real bad.  I thought it was my job to fix everyone that I saw had a problem, according to my church standard.  Sadly, I thought I was doing the right thing for God just like Saul, who later became Paul, thought He was helping God by killing the Christians.  I was killing them with my mouth which sometimes can hurt people worse than a sword!!!

When God opened my eyes to the blackness of my heart on October 10, 2013 I cried for a long time.  It made me mad!!!  I didn't want to be that way!!!  I made a poster and placed it before my eyes everyday with the words to the LOVE chapter.  The one my eyes landed on the most was "keeps NO record of wrong"!!!  I pondered on that one for a long time and I still do!!!  I came to the conclusion that when I see any human being, I must not see them through the eyes of their past but I must see them the way God created them.  I must see their potential and their destiny........

I came to the conclusion that Real Love is very difficult especially if someone has hurt you!!!  If someone hurts me, it still takes me a minute to forgive and forget but I am getting quicker at it.  I must look at them through different eyes besides eyes of pain if I truly love that person!!!!

How does LOVING OTHERS this way transform me?  Well, when I was judging people all the time, the negative that was coming from my mind to my mouth came back and penetrated inside of me causing me to produce more negativity!!!  It affected my thoughts, my words, my actions, and my life and everyone else around me.  My heart was getting blacker and blacker.  My body got weaker and weaker.  When I think and speak positive about and to someone with a pure heart of love, that positive love feeds back into me and I continue to change from the inside out!!!

I am a new person since this happened to me......You may be wondering what the two months has to do with anything.  Well, exactly two months later, the love of my life, who I had been talking to for a few weeks, called me and told me he wanted to be with me and our family forever.  It was to the day of my encounter with God!!!  I knew I was on the right track.....My life has never been the same since.  God keeps bringing good to me.  Sure there are still bad times and I still have to learn to fight the negative and I still am practicing seeing people for who they were created to be, but at least I now have the knowledge to continue on the right path!!!!

I hope you have a wonderful day and please start your REAL LOVE JOURNEY by loving yourself today....You are specially designed to be someones bright spot today.  You are important!!!

I love you,

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sonia's Younique Mineral Foundation Review

Welcome to Makeup Monday!!!!  Since I got this wonderful order in this week, I want to highlight the base products that I am just now trying out.......I love them all, but some I love more than others.

Here is my review of the following makeup:

Touch Pressed Powder Foundation

Great Light Coverage worn all by itself...  I love this powder foundation.  It covers the red pigment in my skin left from a bad sunburn when I was in high school, but it doesn't look caked on!!!  I will be using this product daily!!!!  LOVE IT!!!

Touch Cream Foundation

To be honest, my skin is too oily for this product this time of year but I will try it again when we kick on the heat and my skin dries up.  For someone with dry skin, this would be an awesome daily foundation.

BB Flawless Complexion Enhancer

Awesome tinted moisturizer. Put a little Moodstruck Mineral Concealer over it as a powder and have full coverage!!!  

Moodstruck Minerals Concealer

This stuff is the bomb!!!!  You can add water to it to make a cream concealer or use it as a mineral loose powder.  I use it as a powder concealer just to lighten dark areas a little.  The pressed powder works well enough without it so I only use it on occasion.

Bottom Line:  I love all of the foundation choices and plan to use them all as the occasion arises...

There is definitely something for every skin color and skin type and preference.  Please click on the links to read more and to see the awesome color choices.

Have a great day..

Friday, September 26, 2014


Link to Video
I get paid three hours after every sale!!!!  and so can you!!!!!

I love my regular job as a weight loss coach at the Med Station.....I am passionate about helping people lose weight and get their health in order but selling makeup is just right down fun!!!!

Younique has found a way to pay their presenters 3 hours after every sale!!!!!   Have you heard of anything so wonderful in business.  If you need money just bust your buns and go out their and sell something!!!

I am passionate about your body looking great, but I believe makeup is the icing on my weight loss cake!  I want to share this with you as well!!!!  Go to the facebook link on this page, request my friendship then send me a message and I will get back with you as soon as I can!!!

If you love makeup and you love people, you could get paid every three hours!!!

Have a Great Weekend!!!
I love ya,

Thursday, September 25, 2014

What Are The Benefits of Positive Thinking?

Link to Video
Have you ever got so mad, hurt, offended or discouraged that you actually felt it creep on your body?

When I pay attention to what is going through my mind and listen to what God is saying about the situation then I can push those negative thoughts that are causing the pain out of my mind.... I can  replace the thoughts with the truth.  I am learning from some of my mentors in the makeup business that there is a positive for every negative, we just have to find it.....actually God is preaching this message to me everywhere I turn.  I was watching a t-tapp seminar the other day and Teresa Tapp said the same thing.

The way I find the positive is to meditate on what God says about me and the situation.  For instance, sometimes I feel overwhelmed with my weight loss journey and I feel like it is never going to end, that I will never have the body I want....If I allow that thought to enter my mind, I can get discouraged to the point of eating bad things and being lazy.  But, if I think about it for a few minutes and remember the promise I received almost 18 years ago that God would restore the days of my youth.....I realize that I'm almost there!!!!!

Lots of times if I clear my mind of the negative and open myself up to God, He gives me a small phrase to think about....Our Creator is so wonderful to help us through life.  He wants good things for us.  He designed our brains and our thought life to determine our steps.  He gave us the wonderful gift of learning and listening to Him so we can be successful in life.......I love learning more about His plan for my life...

Positive thinking actually causes me to be healthy in body.  When I think negative thoughts, it actually invites the negative to cause stress on my body.  If I let it go long enough I can actually get sick.  I have been paying attention to my thoughts for a few years now, it is a process that takes a long time and I'm still not good at it but I'm getting better.

Positive thinking causes you to make good decisions.  Where your thoughts go is where you will go.  Let me take it a step further, when you voice your positive thinking, you get where you want to go even faster!!!

The benefits of positive thinking are different for everyone because we are all made to be unique and are all on different paths but basically, your thought life can bring health to your entire being.  It can help you make good decisions, it can help in relationships, including the most important one, with your Creator.  Negative thinking is sometimes done on purpose by evil to get us off track, that's why we must fight the bad and allow the good to take over our thinking!!!

As I bring this post to an end I want to give you something to think about....You are special!! You were designed and created to influence your atmosphere.  You are a gift to the people around you.  You were made for a purpose and every step of your journey in life is specifically designed to mold and shape you into the being your were created to be.  You will always learn and always get better if you try.  The hard times make you stronger and the good times give you rest for the next battle, just remember God loves you and if you let Him, He is waiting to help you control your thoughts and control your actions which will control your destiny......

I love you and I hope you have a wonderful day...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

More About Carb Intolerance

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As you may already know I have lost 150lbs and counting..... I know that because I am prone to obesity I must be extreeeeeeemely careful what I eat.  I do a lot of reading and listening to educational seminars regarding health.....
I discovered recently the existence of carbohydrate intolerance.  Because of my battle with sugar (see the story here) I know that I have problems with carbs.  For the last several months I have been following the Ideal Protein protocol but adding some carbs when I felt like it.  You don't lose weight doing this but you don't gain much either so I was ok with not gaining, but I was unhappy with "cheating" all the time and I did not want to make this my lifestyle.  Maintaining after losing is very scary to someone who has so many fat cells as I do.  I understand that the fat cells do not ever go away, they only shrink and grow according to what I feed them.  So how do I not feed these fat cells and still enjoy life?

I have realized that everyone is different, we are created uniquely so what works for others may not work for me.  It is my responsibility to take my health into my own hands and find out how to eat foods that benefit my body and not inflate my fat cells.  I had started to notice as I added some certain kinds of foods to my diet like pasta, for instance, I retained a lot of water weight.  The scales went up five pounds after only eating two teaspoons, not heaping, of beef stroganoff.  This was very alarming and scary for me but I know I am on this journey for a reason, not just for me but to pass knowledge and experience to you and hopefully provide hope for people like me so I didn't panic, but I did start reading and that is how I discovered the carb intolerance....

The new information I found this week is that when a person feeds their body primarily carbs they are setting themselves up for the intolerance.  If I understand correctly, the intolerance is basically the body not being able to process the carbs properly and instead of eliminating them they store them.....I am positive that is a very watered down summary but that is how I understand it in plain, simple English....LOL  Since I did feed my body large amounts of sugar for many years, this makes perfect sense to me......I don't need to understand exactly how my body "thinks" in order to know the symptoms.

The reason I bring this information to you is for you to examine your diet and the diet of your children.  Please don't set yourself or your children up for carb intolerance later on in life.  Begin to eat vegetables.  Find the ones that you can tolerate then learn to like them if you don't already.  If meat sets well with you, make sure you get the proper amount of protein.  Be sure to have an active lifestyle on purpose to keep your metabolism strong.  Enjoy your carbs, but eat them as your body allows.  I understand that some people can eat carbs and their body doesn't gain weight but carbs could cause other problems, so just be careful.

Bottom line: find what makes your body healthy.  You are created as a unique individual and it may take time to find out what works for your body. Keep researching and keep your eyes and ears open to new ideas the will prevent and heal disease.
 Stay strong, young and beautiful....

Love ya,

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Transforming Your Mind & Exercise

Link to Video
Sunday, I finished a two week daily T-Tapp bootcamp.  Even though it is only 15 minutes a day, I am really proud of myself!

I didn't achieve this rather small goal over night though....it took time.  I thought about it for several months.  I started filling my mind with T-tapp information.  Pondering on the benefits of this type of exercise.  I began to understand what investing into my body could do for me.

I started researching and studying.  I also started talking to myself about my goal weight....

I tried to encourage myself as much as I remembered to do and I tried to push the negative out of my mind.  This is how I reached just this two week achievement.  I hope to continue on so I can make a practice of achieving every goal set before me.

To recap: transforming your mind when it comes to exercise takes a solid foundation of renewing your mind and training your mind to see the importance of the exercise.  When you get it down in your mind, your body will follow..

Love ya,

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Purpose of www.SoniaRai.com

Why did I decide to build a blog????  Well, God has been soooooooo good to me that I wanted to pass hope on to you......

I have learned how to overcome some stuff.....but I continue to learn everyday.....  I was designed to be a thinker.  When something bothers me or intrigues me, I think about it.  This can get me into trouble because my mind doesn't ever shut off, but I have learned and I continue to learn that for me thinking is a gift if I handle it correctly.

When I couple thinking with listening to the voice of my creator and study, I get valuable information that transforms my life to strength, youth and beauty.......

I continue to learn new ways of renewing my mind and being more successful in life every day!!  I don't necessarily mean financial or career success but I am talking about living my life in love, peace and joy no matter what hits me.  Trust me when I tell you I haven't arrived and never will completely but the journey is amazing.

I believe that my gift of thinking, listening, studying and figuring things out can help you.  Gathering information and light bulb moments from other people is amazing because that is one thing I don't have to figure out!!!  Life is like a huge pie and we all bring our slice to everyone else.  This blog is my piece of life's pie, I bring as a gift to you.

When you leave comments or send me a message, you are giving your piece of the pie back to me, so please tell me what's on your mind....I love hearing from you.

My journey of transformation started on the inside and progressed to changes in my outward appearance.  This blog is a balance of information including inner healing which leads to inner beauty which leads to outward health and beauty.  So if Weight Loss and Beauty of all kinds is your thing, then this blog is for you!!!!

Be sure to sign up on my email list and connect with me on facebook so you won't miss any of the articles.  Thanks for sharing in this wonderful journey with me, I hope I inspire you as much as others have inspired me.

Love ya,

Friday, September 19, 2014

All About Fun and Business

Have you ever wanted to model but didn't have the courage or resources to begin.  I never really thought about it as a career but when I was younger I was told I was pretty enough but I'm 5 foot tall so I thought that was funny!!!

But now that I'm 45, I feel pretty again after many years of battling fat and illness.  Younique is a unique makeup company that has a beautiful opportunity for every woman to start her own business and be successful.  If you love makeup, this opportunity could be for you.

I have joined this team because this makeup just did something for me and I want to share it with the whole world.  I am beautiful!!  I feel Beautiful!!!  It doesn't matter how many compliments I got before I started wearing this makeup, a part of me didn't believe them.  Now, I believe it for myself.  I'm not being arrogant, I believe everyone is beautiful in one way or another and we all must find our beauty on the inside and out.

We are children of the most High King...that makes me a princess and I am finally feeling like one.  I know, some of you will think that is silly but others will understand because you crave to feel the beauty you were created to be.  Beauty starts on the inside.......I'm not here to go into detail but my passion is inner healing which leads to inner and outer beauty.

I would love for you to join me on this quest to help women feel beautiful on the outside.  This makeup business also can be an open door to help people be beautiful on the inside as well.  It all works together!!!  I am very excited about this business.....

Send me a message if this is something you are interested in.  Or skip the message and go to the top of the page and click on MODEL/SELL MAKEUP and fill out the form.  The cost to start your business is only $99 plus tax.  You get a whole lot of makeup for that price and a free website and lots of resources to start marketing your business......

Come have fun in business with me........

I love you and hope you have a wonderful weekend....

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Do People Bug the Crap Out of You & Hurt Your Feelings?

Do you find yourself getting offended or hurt all the time when people do and say things to you that just bug the crap out of you?

This has been a huge problem for me, but I have been fighting for peace in this area for a long time.  Even though I still have to pay attention to my thoughts, I have discovered a few tricks that help me to get past the head drama and remain peaceful.

In Tuesday's post we discussed whose problem it is when someone wrongs you.  It is only your problem if you accept it, but sometimes that is hard to do, especially when your mind is going crazy with pain.....

I have figured out that if you take a few steps immediately you won't have to suffer this mind drama.
1.  Forgive that person
2.  Put your hand on your heart and receive emotional healing
3.  Release that person verbally to deal with their own problem
4.  Verbally don't accept anything negative
Here is today's vital step:
5.  Wait....Be Still!!!  Make your mind stop thinking and listen to God......I have found that within ten minutes, most of the time, explanations start pouring in my head.  Reasons why that person said what they said or did what they did.

Nine times out of ten, their problems don't have anything to do with me.  Thinking that they do is borderline arrogant or at least immature.  People in life have personal issues and problems they are dealing with.  You can not see what is going on in people's heads.  You do not know what kind of pain they are going through.

Sometimes people have had childhood drama that plays in their head, tormenting them.  People get tormented with fear, cravings and a whole lot of other terrifying thoughts.  A lot of times, when people are rude, they are just coping with their own mess and you just got in the way.  I encourage you, to be a loving person and follow the above steps for your own sanity, but then;

Here is Step #6:
Bless that person....pray for them, figure out a way to love them in their own style.  There is a book about the 5 Love Languages that is fascinating.  Here is an Amazon Link to books for further research on how to love someone the way that they need it the most, in their own style.

The above steps have worked for me, I encourage you to find what works for you and eliminate the drama in your head.....Living with a peaceful mind takes time and practice, just like every other good change in our lives...but if you want to change bad enough you can, with God's help.

I love you and hope the best for you,

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Are You Carb Intolerant?

Link to Video  Are you carb intolerant or is your problem with weight gain something entirely different?  Yes, I lost 150,  actually 155 lbs then I got tired of the diet and altered it.  Basically I stayed on the diet, but cheated with a few different kinds of foods occasionally.  I started gaining a few pounds back.... OH NO!!!

So I have been researching and reading and studying like crazy trying to figure out why I was gaining even though I am not eating like I used to at all.  I have discovered that I am intolerant to carbs.  I can eat two bites, literally two bites of past and see five pounds on the scale the next day!!  I do not have all the info on this topic yet because I am just now starting to study it, but I am pretty sure this is the problem!!

I'm sure water weight and other factors are involved but I want to finish this race, so I am going to study it until I figure out what works for me...

I am writing this blog post today not to educate you on carb intolerance but to encourage you to find out what works and doesn't work for you when it comes to any kind of overall health.  If you are overweight, what is causing your weight gain?  If you are under weight, why?  I encourage you today to figure out what it is and then ask God to give you the strength to conquer.  Ask God to show you where to start your research.  Go see your doctor for help.

There are always struggles in life, but if we sit down and don't try to conquer them, we will always remain where we are at.....so let's conquer this game we call life together......

Exercise Update:
today is my tenth day of getting up at four or four thirty every morning and doing 15 minutes of t-tapp.  This is a muscle activation exercise that helps your lymphatic system to pump properly.  It helps to tone and to build muscle.  I am very happy with my progress.  I am hoping that this will be the pivotal moment that propels me into a habit of daily exercise.  I have also been using my Chi-Machine.  This helps with lymphatic fluid movement as well.  It feels great.
Thanks for holding me accountable....I wish you a wonderful weight loss Wednesday!!!

Love ya,

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Injustice....Is It Your Problem or Theirs?

Link to Video Has someone wronged you?  Do people sometimes make you feel inferior, sad, mad, or hurt?  How do they have that much power, to change your way of thinking and take away your joy?  They don't have that power unless you give it to them!!!  This topic is very hard for some of us to conquer but I'm telling you that if you will look at painful situations brought on by other people in a the way I'm about to tell you, it will change your life!!!

Let's say someone does something to dishonor you, like say something critical or negative to you.  That person is accountable for their own actions.  If they are being a butt, that is between them and God....not you.  It is only about you if you accept it in and let it control your thinking.  That person who brought injustice in your life is responsible for their own sin.  Your Father, God, will heal you and fix whatever it is, making good out of bad....that's your part of the equation.  The only way it can become negative is if you let it.  Release that person to do whatever it is they must do, but guard yourself and make sure that you forgive them.

Don't make their problem yours.....let it solely be their problem!!!!  Don't react, just let God heal
you...Don't be any part of their negativity!!!  Live your life the way you want to!!!!  Look at every situation through the perceptive that whatever someone else does is their business and not yours, even if they want to pull you in....don't be tricked!!!  Don't let their stuff become your head drama!!!

This concept takes time and practice to become second nature to some of us.  I am an emotional person and I must learn this lesson...I am putting this into practice more and more and I love it!!!!  I hope this helps all you emotional women like me to put other's issues at rest.
Love ya,

Monday, September 15, 2014

My All Time Favorite
Click on Makeup Link to Order NOW!!


1:  Naked Eye

2:  Pigment
Awestruck - Lid
Confident - Crease

   Innocent - Under Brow

4.  Gel Mascara (one coat)

5.  3-d Green Tea Fibers (one coat)

6.  2 coats Gel and Fibers Mascara

Moodstruck Minerals Pigment Powder

100% natural, chemical-free, mineral-based pigment powders, free of talc, oils, preservatives, perfumes, synthetic dyes, and parabens.

Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes

Our best selling product, 3D Fiber Lashes dramatically enhances and magnifies the appearance of your own lashes.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Have Fun With Makeup

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Welcome to Fun, Fabulous Friday at www.SoniaRai.com!!!

I want to invite you to join me on my makeup venture with Younique.....

1.  You can simply buy this fabulous makeup.....my personal favs are the makeup and the pigment eye colors but, I love the face products as well..

2.  You can host a party and earn free makeup!!!  The party can be online exclusively or I can come do an in-home party for you!!!

3.  You can join my team and sell this wonderful stuff!!!  If you want a change in career or a second job....this is a fun, fabulous way to make extra money!!!!

This makeup business has put a spark in my eyes and a spring in my step...It was just what the doctor ordered!!!!  I would love to share this joy with you...give me a call or connect with me on FaceBook or send me a message on the CONTACT ME Link.....

Have a great Weekend!!!
Love ya,

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Life Got You Down?

Link to Video
Life Got You Down?  Are you a woman with emotions going crazy?  Sometimes my emotions take me down a road I'm not interested in traveling....what are we supposed to do?

I have decided that when my emotions are trying to take control, I need to change my perspective!!  I need to change my thoughts..whatever negative thoughts are feeding my emotions need to be changed to thoughts that take me down a path of peace...

I need a new way of looking at whatever is bothering me....If I am fearful, I need to have more faith, If I am upset with a person, I need to forgive, etc....
Here is Me, Getting a New Perspective!!

I'm not sure why God made us women with so many hormones that can cause so much drama in our brains, but I intend to learn from it and hopefully you will learn with me....

Have a great emotionally healthy day!!
I love ya,

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Weight Loss Tip You May Not Have Thought Of!!

Link to Video  Do you use your calender to help you know when to eat healthy, do exercise, drink water, take your vitamins?
I do.....I manage my life with my phone calendar....It talks to me and tells me what to do.  When I set up this Health Schedule I kept a few variables in mind:
1.  My Blood Sugar Fluctuations
2.  My Potential Hunger
3.  My Work Schedule (I kept my patients in mind)
4.  My Vitamin needs, especially in the afternoon
5.  My Water Needs
6.  My Veggie Needs
7.  My Meat Intake for adequate protein
I basically used the techniques I use for my patients on myself.... Not all of my weight loss patients want a schedule but some thrive when they are told exactly what to do and what time to do it.

Do I stick to the schedule perfectly?
Why no, I don't....LOL....If you have followed me at all, you have probably figured out that I am learning to live a disciplined life and have not arrived although I am getting better....
One thing on my calendar that I intend to do but haven't succeeded very many times, is getting up at 4:30 a.m.  I know that if I get up at 4:30 I will have more time to do all the things I want to do to accomplish my goals... I do consistently get up at 5:30 but that extra hour would give me that extra push....I'll get there some day!!!

Also, when my phone tells me to eat a vegetable, I may be busy with a patient or in the middle of something else where I can not drop everything and go eat, but my phone talks out loud so I hear it and it stays in the back of my mind until I obey.....

A sample day would be something like this:
4:30  get up/drink water/exercise
5:00  Drink Coffee and Protein Packet
5:30  Shower
6:00  Study
7:00  Get Ready For Work
10:00 Drink More Coffee and Protein Packet
12:30 Eat a Veggie
4:00   Eat a Veggie and Afternoon Snack
6:30   Eat Supper
7:30  Walk Sadie
8:30  Bed

I hope this gives you ideas on how to manage your weight loss and your health...
Love ya,

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Are You Ready for Big Transformation?

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You might be surprised what actually leads to Big Transformation....It is actually the little things that add up to huge transformation!!!

I had to make a lot of little changes in my life in order to accomplish the 150 lb weight loss...

One small transformation is transitioning from a life of drinking only diet Dr. Pepper to drinking mostly water..

This change took me some time because I din't like water but now I can't live without it...

Focus on changing one small thing at a time and before you know it, you will conquer the big things!!!  Have fun with transformation....life changes are great!!!

Love ya,

Monday, September 8, 2014

In What Order Do You Put Your Makeup On

You can put your makeup on in whatever order you want to!!!  Because I am a little messy when I put my makeup on, I have learned to put it on in an opposite order than expected!!!  Lesson here: experiment until you find out what works for you and then go for it....if you get tired of that after a season, do something else!!!  Be free to be yourself and do what works for you!!!!

Love ya,

Click on Makeup Color to Order NOW!!

Step 1:  Pigment
          Flirty - Lid
          Confident - Crease
          Innocent - Under Brow

Step 2:  Liner

Step 3:  Mascara

Step 4:  Base Foundation

Step 5:  Eye Brow Color

Step 6:   Lip Gloss

Moodstruck Minerals Pigment Powder

100% natural, chemical-free, mineral-based pigment powders, free of talc, oils, preservatives, perfumes, synthetic dyes, and parabens.
Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes
Our best selling product, 3D Fiber Lashes dramatically enhances and magnifies the appearance of your own lashes.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Lovin' My Life at www.SoniaRai.com

Video Link
I love my life!!!!  I have been given so much positive in my life.  I believe my life story can help bring hope to you.....

That is why I started this blog www.SoniaRai.com

I have included a link to my most popular blog post concerning my recent weight loss....
Beginning My Weight Loss Journey

Life is good and it will only get better so I hope you enjoy going down this road with me.....

Thursday, September 4, 2014

How Positive Thinking Got Me Off My Rear!!!

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I hope all of you are doing great this fine day!!!  I continue to learn life lessons to better my life....  As you already know, if you are following me, is that I struggle with exercise...  This morning I knew it was my day to t-tapp...but I was sore from the last time and I din't want to get up!!

I laid in bed, too lazy and sore to even get up to go to the bathroom and I started talking to myself...Ok, SONIA!  You want to be more healthy....nothing, You want to have a flat stomach...nothing...you followers are counting on you to do the right thing....nothing (sorry, just wasn't feeling it!!)  Then I started thinking about a book I've been reading "For Women Only" on relationships and how to understand your man.  I am always looking for ways to improve every area of my life.  I realized that yesterday I read a chapter about men who appreciate when their woman takes care of her physical appearance.  According to the surveys taken by the author, men take it personal when the woman refuses to care but he won't say anything because he doesn't want to hurt her feelings....I started thinking further about my children and grandchildren and how many times they have invited me to do something that I was too tired to do...Not caring for my body hurts my family!!!

Up out of bed I went and put my exercise video on!!!  Believe it or not, my soreness and pain totally disappeared.  I walked around getting ready for work feeling great about myself because I conquered today!!!  I did what I was supposed to do and it made me feel great, on the inside and out!!!  I would not have succeeded if I had of allowed the negative thoughts of pain to remain in my mind....It took a few positive thinking tries but I finally found the one that worked for me today!!!

I encourage you to find what works for you and learn to motivate yourself to do whatever you want to do...If you don't know where to start..ask God to help and I promise He will. I am sure He is the one that brought my man and my family to my mind to motivate me as I softly complained to Him this morning about my pain...I'm not perfect and trust me when I say this is a journey.  I have not reached my destination yet but I am sure when I do there will be another journey to start!!!

Thanks for coming on this journey with me...I know we can conquer exercise and weight loss together!!!

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Love ya,

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Exercise Update!!

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Well, last Wednesday I asked for your help to hold me accountable to exercise......Here is an update...
I didn't exercise every day but I tried to be more active everyday even if it is to run up and down the stairs...

I did some waist workouts on my Red and also did some on my weight bench but my favorite is my t-tapp workout....

My goal this week is to do T-tapp every other day and to incorporate walking on the other days....

Let's see how this works out!!!
Thanks for going on this journey with me....
Love ya,