Welcome to Transformation Tuesday at SoniaRai.com!!! I want to share a little bit of something very dear to my heart and that is the subject of REAL Love.....In October of 2013 I was in my living room praying about a specific situation and I heard the voice of God!!! I don't pretend to hear His voice all the time like this but there are occasions in my life where His voice was so obvious I can't deny it and this was one of those days......
I heard Him say, "Sonia, you do NOT know how to love." I didn't understand Him. I love my kids, I love my mom, I love my friends, etc. He told me I had two months to figure it out!!! I didn't quite understand everything but I had an idea it had something to do with the love of my life. I started seeking the scripture for love and landed on the all time favorite I Corinthians 13. I opened my eyes to this passage like never before and began to let God expose what I was lacking and that was Real Love!!!
I was mostly raised in church....I love church and I love church people but there are dangers of catching a disease in church called "religion". Religion causes you to judge people and only see their faults. I caught this disease real bad. I thought it was my job to fix everyone that I saw had a problem, according to my church standard. Sadly, I thought I was doing the right thing for God just like Saul, who later became Paul, thought He was helping God by killing the Christians. I was killing them with my mouth which sometimes can hurt people worse than a sword!!!
When God opened my eyes to the blackness of my heart on October 10, 2013 I cried for a long time. It made me mad!!! I didn't want to be that way!!! I made a poster and placed it before my eyes everyday with the words to the LOVE chapter. The one my eyes landed on the most was "keeps NO record of wrong"!!! I pondered on that one for a long time and I still do!!! I came to the conclusion that when I see any human being, I must not see them through the eyes of their past but I must see them the way God created them. I must see their potential and their destiny........
I came to the conclusion that Real Love is very difficult especially if someone has hurt you!!! If someone hurts me, it still takes me a minute to forgive and forget but I am getting quicker at it. I must look at them through different eyes besides eyes of pain if I truly love that person!!!!
How does LOVING OTHERS this way transform me? Well, when I was judging people all the time, the negative that was coming from my mind to my mouth came back and penetrated inside of me causing me to produce more negativity!!! It affected my thoughts, my words, my actions, and my life and everyone else around me. My heart was getting blacker and blacker. My body got weaker and weaker. When I think and speak positive about and to someone with a pure heart of love, that positive love feeds back into me and I continue to change from the inside out!!!

I hope you have a wonderful day and please start your REAL LOVE JOURNEY by loving yourself today....You are specially designed to be someones bright spot today. You are important!!!
I love you,