Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Transformation Can Be Difficult: Get People Out Of Your Head!!

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Because transformation in your life can be difficult, I want to bare my soul and confess something that made my transformation more difficult!!!  I used to base my decisions on what I thought other people were thinking about me!!!  Holy Cow!! I didn't even talk to these people, I assumed that they would think a certain way and I would base my decisions on that assumption.  I esteemed them way too much!

There is one person in particular that I thought I was helping, but then I realized that I was actually valuing that person's opinion more than that person valued mine.  It was very twisted and I had to remove myself from the situation.  This person actually didn't do anything to make me feel this way, I just valued their opinion so much I based life decisions on what I thought they were thinking!!!! Does that make any sense?  I didn't even know I was doing that until one day it seemed like light was lit on my thought process and I had an "awe ha" moment!!!

Be careful who you allow in your head, even people you don't talk to.  Chances are, they aren't really concerned about your life anyway, but if they are, they probably don't belong there!! Get people out of your head and start thinking for yourself.

Now when I say that, I don't mean your minister or your spiritual leaders.  People have been placed in your life for a reason and some people hold a spot of authority and you should pay close attention to their words for you.  Be careful who these people are!!!  Make sure their lives reflect what you want in your life.....If their life is as big a mess as yours, they are probably not who you should listen to!!!

With that being said, be careful who you let in your head!!!  Think for yourself!!! Search the scriptures and other resources for the knowledge you need to finish your transformation......Your journey is yours and yours alone so be happy knowing your based your decisions on what your think is right, not what others think is best for you.  You have been given the tools to manage your own life, so be happy managing it!!!  Transformation goes much smoother when you do what you know is right for you!!!

Hope you have a wonderful Transformation Tuesday!!!
Love ya,

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