Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Half Painted Face!!

As you can see, I only painted half my face this morning for this video!!!!  I love Younique makeup and the way it makes me feel.  Beautiful on the outside to reflect how I feel on the inside!!!!  I love how Younique transforms my skin to cover the red areas that got burnt when I was a teenager!!

With all that said though, true transformation comes from the inside.  In order to transform, I have learned to think positive about what needs to be changed in my life.  In order to do this I feed my mind what it needs to think on... If exercise is what I am struggling with, then I feed my mind T-Tapp seminar videos or re-read the book, pretty soon I am exercising again!!!  I love how transformation in the body and action begins in our mind and all we must do is feed it!!!

I love transformation and positive thinking mixed with knowledge and of course prayer!!!
I hope you have an awesome day!!
With Lots of Love,

Monday, November 24, 2014

Let's Cover Up Those Ugly Spots!! but Stay Away From Caked On Base Makeup!!

I used to wear caked on base makeup!!! I was trying to cover up every little flaw on my face!!!  I hate to admit this, but the wonderful man in my life pointed out to me that a little base makeup goes a long way!  I have tried lots of different brands but when I discovered Younique I fell in love!!!

The photo is a before and after with only one coat of Touch Pressed Powder Foundation!!!  This stuff is amazing!!!  No more caked on face.  My makeup looks natural and my face looks beautiful.  I think it looks beautiful and that is all that matters!!!!

Click here to read a my review on all or Younique's base makeup!!

I have to add that one of the reasons I wore caked on makeup was because I didn't know that people weren't looking at every flaw.  If you are trying to cover every flaw, I encourage you to STOP!  You are probably making it worse!!!  People are looking at you through your eyes and your smile and your laughter and even your tears.  They see your kind gestures and your soothing words more than they see the flaws on your face... You are beautiful because of your attitude and your heart, not just your face!!!

I was self conscious because of my weight problem and my sugar addiction that caused brown spots on my face.  I thought that when people saw me coming they thought to themselves, there comes Sonia, the fat ugly lady!  I finally realized that the people who mattered didn't even see me as overweight and unhealthy, what mattered to them was who I was on the inside and how I made them feel about themselves when they were around me.

So if you are trying to cover up your face because of a self worth image....STOP!!!  Learn to love yourself..  Love doesn't keep any record of wrong, so be nice to yourself...Focus more on the inside you, it will show on the outside!!

Of course I want you to buy makeup...LOL....because I love makeup and I love beauty, inside and out!! But I would rather you to see yourself as beautiful because of who you are on the inside and just have fun with makeup!!!

With Lots of Love,

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

You Are What You Think!!

Click Pic to See Party Info on Facebook

Link To Video
I have heard all my life, You Are What You Eat! But, actually we Are What We Think!  Like I said in the video, I fell off the weight loss wagon this week due to life events but I'm getting back on because of my thinking!!  I am constantly thinking about how wonderful this journey has been and how wonderful it is and how wonderful it will be!!

The journey is sooooo important and thinking about the past with thankfulness and thinking about my goals with anticipation helps me to do in the present time!!!

Love Love Love thinking positive!!! It really pertains to weight loss and weight management.  Get your thoughts in order, get your life in order!!

Love ya,

Monday, November 17, 2014


I apologize for not being able to attend the Holiday Shopping Event in Sheldon this last Saturday!!!  My honey had a death in his family and we had to travel.  Here is a picture of my table I had planned for the event!!!
I want to extend a warm welcome to all of you to participate in what I had planned!!!
Here is a copy of the cute little sign I had planned!!!
1. Connect with me on FB
2. Go to my Party Page: Sonia's Virtual Younique Makeup Party
3. Read the Pinned Post and Follow The Directions to Book A Party
4. When we have finished with all the details of the party, I will enter you in the drawing!!!

The drawing will end Saturday November 22, 2014 at noon!!!

Have a great week!!
Love Ya,

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sometimes Success Just Takes Time!!!

Sometimes success just takes time!!! You can't expect fast results when it comes to weight loss or inch loss.  There are soooooooo many variables to getting healthy, sometimes it is hard to measure results in a short time frame.  I know personally, my body shape almost looks the same as it did when I was obese, just smaller. LOL I laugh about that because I know it isn't true, it just seems that way!  Needless to say, I have a few places I would like to see change!  I sometimes get tempted to get discouraged and give up!!! But, I refuse!!  I know that if God can take me this far, He can take me all the way to where I want to be!

Many, many years ago, I randomly opened the Bible to a section that promises restoration of the days of our youth.  I am living this promise in several different areas already but I intend to make good on my body as well.  There are small patches that I would love to see toned and I know this only comes with consistency and TIME!!  I can't work out for two weeks, look down at my stomach and get discouraged.  It takes a lot to be successful at whatever you are doing but everything takes time.  So give yourself a grace period and put a time frame on it!!!  As you work on your goals understand the big picture always takes time!! (unless God gives you a suddenly!!!!, but most of the time, He expects you to use discipline and growth)

My goal is to have a hot, smokin' body by next October!!!  So, I don't look at my problem areas in despair, I just keep up my workout routine and enjoy the small measures of success along the way!!  Thanks for coming on this weight loss and health journey with me.

Have a wonderful Weight Loss Wednesday!
Love Ya,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Transformation Can Be Difficult: Get People Out Of Your Head!!

Link to Video 
Because transformation in your life can be difficult, I want to bare my soul and confess something that made my transformation more difficult!!!  I used to base my decisions on what I thought other people were thinking about me!!!  Holy Cow!! I didn't even talk to these people, I assumed that they would think a certain way and I would base my decisions on that assumption.  I esteemed them way too much!

There is one person in particular that I thought I was helping, but then I realized that I was actually valuing that person's opinion more than that person valued mine.  It was very twisted and I had to remove myself from the situation.  This person actually didn't do anything to make me feel this way, I just valued their opinion so much I based life decisions on what I thought they were thinking!!!! Does that make any sense?  I didn't even know I was doing that until one day it seemed like light was lit on my thought process and I had an "awe ha" moment!!!

Be careful who you allow in your head, even people you don't talk to.  Chances are, they aren't really concerned about your life anyway, but if they are, they probably don't belong there!! Get people out of your head and start thinking for yourself.

Now when I say that, I don't mean your minister or your spiritual leaders.  People have been placed in your life for a reason and some people hold a spot of authority and you should pay close attention to their words for you.  Be careful who these people are!!!  Make sure their lives reflect what you want in your life.....If their life is as big a mess as yours, they are probably not who you should listen to!!!

With that being said, be careful who you let in your head!!!  Think for yourself!!! Search the scriptures and other resources for the knowledge you need to finish your transformation......Your journey is yours and yours alone so be happy knowing your based your decisions on what your think is right, not what others think is best for you.  You have been given the tools to manage your own life, so be happy managing it!!!  Transformation goes much smoother when you do what you know is right for you!!!

Hope you have a wonderful Transformation Tuesday!!!
Love ya,

Monday, November 10, 2014

 Watch My Eye Lashes Grow & Grow!!

1.     Bare Eye

2.    Apply One Coat of Gel Mascara to Entire Lashes
       During this coating shape and separate the lashes the best you can.

3.     Apply Another Coat of Gel to The Entire Lashes
       (This coat of Gel is to give the fibers something to stick to.)
        Then Apply Another Coat of Gel to The Entire Lashes 
        (This Seals the Fibers)

         Let Dry In Between Coats

4.     Apply the Third Coat of Gel and Second Coat of Fibers Only To The   Tips (This Lengthens the Lashes)
        Then Another Coat of Gel to Seal the Fibers Again
5.     Same procedure as Number 4 to continue lengthening.

You can Apply as many coats as you want to the entire lash and then to the tips.  I have ordered the lash comb from Younique which is made of metal instead of plastic.  I think with the comb I can put more layers on then separate the lash and get an even more awesome look!!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Cheating On Your Diet? How Do You Deal With Carb Overload?

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Sunday we went to the Chiefs game in KC and I ate some chips and dip and had some diet soda... I don't get upset with myself for enjoying life sometimes but there are annoying side affects to cheating!!!

Today is Friday and it has taken me all week to feel satisfied again!!!  Eating carbs can make you crave more carbs.  So when you are dieting or trying to eat clean be careful that you plan ahead for the cravings!!!

In order to help myself I packed extra vegetables every day for lunch, I brought some meat for lunch (I usually only eat veggies for lunch) and I practiced my survival skills outlined in this post: Overcoming Cravings - Survival Tips. Drinking a lot of water is soooooo important and vital to overcoming the cravings!!!!!

I feel great today and do not plan to "cheat" or have a fun day until Thanksgiving!!!  Although, I will have to do this all over again!!!  Sometimes eating fun just outweighs the risk of having a hard week.

Bottom Line:  Plan for the few days after carb overload!!!! This will help you to continue in your weight loss or health success!!!
Have a great weekend...
Love ya,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

How Do You Know What You Need?

Link to Video

Tuesday we talked about receiving what belongs to us already......

How do you know what you need?

I think the negative thoughts and feelings in our life is a good indicator of what we need to receive.

For instance if fear is your problem, you need to figure out what the antidote to fear is.  According to the Bible love casts out fear so I need to receive love if I suffer from fear.

What if money is my problem, what is the opposite to poverty?  Blessings and prosperity!!  The Bible says you will prosper as your soul prospers so I need my soul to prosper.  Your soul is your will, mind and emotions so prospering in my soul could go back to fear!!! Which leads me back to receiving love again!!!  What a circle!!!  So that is just one way of looking at it.  Sometimes it is just nice to go straight for the blessings and know that whatever you need is already provided for you and just reach out there and receive the blessings!!!

I don't want to get too complicated here but bottom line is:  figure out what is negative in your life and receive the goodness of God to get rid of that thing!!  On a side note: enjoy the ride because stuff like this sometimes takes time with personal growth and learning...

Hope this didn't get tooooooo deep...It is just what is roaming around in my head today!!!
Have a great day!

I love you,

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

You Just Gotta Start Somewhere!!

Link to Video
I have been exercising for at least eight weeks now, almost everyday!!!!!  I have never seen this much muscle definition!!!

I am only exercising for 15 minutes and getting great results!!!  Like I said on the video, intense workouts and ten mile runs intimidate me.......That doesn't mean I don't think others shouldn't do it, I love their dedication and hard work.  I may never get there myself but I do what works for me!!!

I encourage you to find what works for you and just do it!!!  You Just Gotta Start Somewhere!!!!  Try walking around your kitchen ten times if that is what you are capable of doing....next week walk around the living room and the next week walk outside around the house!!!  I'm not kidding!!  Do what you can do!!!

The workout that I do is on my T-Tapp page....I have links to different products.  The good news is that The Med Station is going to start selling this program soon...so I will have more to say later about it.

For now.......I want to say:  You Just Gotta Start Somewhere!!!

Have a great day!!
I love you,

Shop Younique Makeup!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

You ARE Good Enough To Receive Blessings!!!

Link To Video
Welcome to Transformation Tuesday!  I am talking about a transformation tool that I am learning about!! That is I need to receive what has already been given to me.

Last Christmas my son bought me the latest, greatest version of Kindle Fire!!!  Did I receive that gift wholeheartedly?  You bet I did!  I use that tablet every day of my life.  But what if I didn't understand that he gave it to me and I just kept it in the box in the closet? Would I actually be receiving the wonderful gift he gave me?

If you follow me you know that God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are a huge part of my life.  Through the many changes recently in my life I have thought a lot about them and their importance to me.  I have recently realized that their love for me is so huge I can not even begin to understand it's fullness......but the part that I do understand, am I trying to work for it?  or  Am I receiving it?

I think, because of my religious back ground, I was trying to work for it....BUT it doesn't work that way!!! God is love, He is our Father, we can be a horrible person and He will still love us!!!!! We don't have to jump through hoops to earn what He already gave us!!!!  So in an essence, I had been putting His love in a box in the closet because I didn't think I deserved it because I wasn't jumping through enough hoops for Him!!!  WOW!!!  Now I just have to learn to receive......

So right now, this morning, I put my hand on my heart and I verbally receive my Father's love.....and why stop there?
I receive healing from inner pain, I receive blessings of all kinds, I receive youth, beauty and strength.

What is it that is already in the atmosphere waiting for you to receive it today?  You are good enough!!!  You are worthy!!! Someone loves you more than your brain can comprehend!!!!!  All you have to do is receive His love.......

Have an awesome day!
I love you.....


Monday, November 3, 2014

What Is Your Favorite Football Team?

Actually, my favorite foot ball team is the Lamar Tigers Football Program since my son played High School and my grandson plays peewee and my nephew plays elementary.  As far as the NFL goes I live in MO so we love the Chiefs by osmosis!!!!  I'm not a huge football fan to begin with but since my boys are so in love with football, I just can't help getting in the spirit of things!!

My honey loves the Vikings and their colors are my favorite, Purple, so I love them and the Chiefs!!!

Anyway, yesterday I went to my first NFL football game and used all Younique makeup to paint my face!!!!  I didn't get a picture of me at the end of the day but trust me it stayed on very well!!!

The pics are self explanatory so I won't go into detail but here are the colors of pencils I used:

Pristine - White Eyeliner
Perfect - Black Eyeliner
Primal - Red Lip liner 
Precious - Gold Eyeliner (outline)

I had a great time with some some of my most favorite friends and family!!!!  I hope you have an awesome day and and awesome football season!!!

Send me a message and let me know what your favorite team is and I'll try to help you find your colors at www.SoniaRai.com

Love ya,

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Click Photo to Purchase Lip and Eye Pencils For Your Favorite Team