Thursday, February 5, 2015

Take Time To Love Yourself!

It has been a while since I updated this blog........
I will start again one day but today I wanted to explain.  I have learned sooooooo much in the last year that my head kinda took a spin.  My way of thinking changed and it just felt like my whole world turned in a different direction than what I had ever expected.

I can't tell you everything because it would spoil what I have planned to do with my life.  My biggest dream is to be a New York Best Seller Author and I am fully confident God will help me do this someday!!  I have new book ideas flood my mind ever day!!  I have two books already started and one finished.  I want to pass the goodness of God in my life to all of you and anyone else who wants to read about it some day.

But for right now, I must love myself!!! And by that I mean, I must take some time out to focus on God and His plan for my life.  I must find out what He is saying to me.  He has recently called me to do some things I didn't know how to do so it is taking me a lot of time to learn how to do it....I apologize for not going into detail but I promise I will someday and you will enjoy learning about my recent journeys.  They are quite amusing for someone my age!!  I have been taking time out to seal everything I have learned in my mind and my spirit.  I continue to learn every day.  Love has been hard for me in the past but I am learning to love myself as I learn to love you.

I keep studying I Corinthians 13 and what that really looks like in real life.  Sooooooooo to make this post a little shorter I will summarize:  I love blogging and intend to pick it back up but for right now my focus is on preparing myself for my destiny which translates into knowing who I was created to be by taking the time to love myself.

I love you and I hope you take time to love yourself!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How Are You Doing with Your New Year's Weight Loss Goals?

I know it is only January 7th and lots of you have set New Year's Goals.  Some of you are right on target and doing well, but I want to talk to those of you who are struggling and feeling bad about your decisions.  I quit setting New Year goals a few years ago because I could not bare to face another year of failure.  That was before I learned to never give up!!!!  I still do not set January goals because I set goals all the time and just continue day to day.  I am still not perfect at achieving goals but I am pretty good at never giving up no matter how far behind I get on my tasks.  I know that some day with God's help I will achieve what I set out to do!!

I want to specifically talk about weight loss goals.  If you woke up on January 1st and decided you were never going to eat bad stuff again and this was the year you were going to get lean and trim, good for you!!! But chances are you have already messed up!!  and..................THAT IS OK!!!!  Get back up and try again.

Weight loss is a process.  You must find what works for you.  Maybe you find something that is working and then it stops working or you get bored with it, try something else.  Weight loss is fluid, there are many ways to get there.  Keep searching and you will find how to change your lifestyle.

I have been thinking allot about my weight loss transformation and the wisdom I have gleamed from this journey.  If you only have a few pounds to lose, you probably won't relate to what I am about to say, but if you are obese, I would love to help you.  I weighed 320lbs a few years ago so I can understand a lot of what you are going through.........

Do you sometimes feel like you are too far gone and it is too late for you?
Do you sometimes feel as though the options are so vast you don't really know where to start your journey?
Do you feel as though you have tried and failed and what is the use?
What about your health, do your knees hurt when you try to walk?
Does your heart beat out of your chest when you try any kind of movement?
Do you pretty much feel helpless and just like there is no answers for your weight loss problems?

I want to help you know where to start..........
Don't worry about your eating and exercise....  I know that sounds a little backwards but let me explain......
Get your mind wrapped around why you eat the way you do.
Do you overeat because you absolutely love food?
Do you overeat because you are trying to heal an emotional problem?
Maybe you overeat because you grew up poor and still have that poverty mentality!
Or maybe like me, you overeat because of a variety of issues!!!

I suggest, if you are serious about your weight loss goals, start studying.......
Figure out where the core of your problem is and start studying about it.
If you overeat because you absolutely love food, then you should start studying nutrition and figure out how to cook and bake in a way that helps you be healthy.  There are lots of resources to help you out there.  Study Study Study!!!!  Try new recipes!!  Go slow and take baby steps to change how you think and subsequently change your actions!!!

What about emotional problems fueling your desire for food?  If I were you I would start learning about emotional healing.  I would listen to Joel Osteen over and over.  Fill your mind with positive medicine to help the healing process.  Be serious about it, just like taking meds for any other kind of illness.  Learn to only focus on positive thoughts in your mind.  In order to do this, you probably need to figure out exactly who you are....My favorite way of doing this is to do a search at  I use the words "God Is" in my word search.  I program it to use those words together.  The reason I do this is because in Genesis 1:26 it says we are made in God's image, so if I want to know what I am made of, I must find out His image.  Then as I fuel my mind with this information I have weapons of positive thoughts to fight the negative that plagues my  mind!!!  If you will do this consistently and practice this process daily, you will find your emotional pain subsiding and when it is time to get serious about your food choices, your weight loss will come much easier because you have dealt with your core issue!!

I hope you don't give up on your January goals.....I hope you can look at them a little differently and maybe start again but this time start at the core of your problem...don't feel bad about yourself...when you fall down, just get back up!!!!  Try a different approach.  If you have any questions, just pm me on facebook or leave me a message.  I would love to help you.

I love ya,

Friday, January 2, 2015

Reflecting on 2014

Happy New Year

Today I want to reflect on 2014 and thank God for his wonderful blessings in my life.  18 years ago I was given a scripture verse in one of those moments when you feel the presence of God so strong in your life.  Psalm 103:5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

I had no idea what that meant until mid 2013 when I had a dream about my high school sweetheart then in late 2013 our paths crossed and we became an item again after 24 years of being apart.  I knew God was restoring the days of my youth.  He was restoring what was lost to me.  I couldn't imagine life getting any better until this December.  

My grandfather built a cabin by the lake sometime in the 70's.  It has stayed in the family since his death in 1995 but came up for sale.  I really  never had an emotional attachment to this cabin because we lived on the border of Mexico growing up and never really got to benefit from Grandpa's efforts to provide entertainment for his children and grandchildren.  Until
Steps going to the cabin
from the playground. 
Mike came in my life, I was perfectly content to stay home and do inside activities. So buying the cabin never crossed my mind even though I knew both my children loved it out there.  That is until I took Mike out there....OMG!! That man fell in love with my grandpa's vision.  He looked around the property and immediately saw through my grandpa's eyes.  It took me a few weeks to get on the same page but I followed diligently.

Then one day, we were walking on the beach of the lake and I had one of those moments where God hit me and I realized that my grandpa built that cabin for his grandchildren, including me!! I really never got to know my grandpa or spend much time with him so I never learned his genius.  He was a fisherman.  He also loved boxing.  He loved to show off his strength and knew his way around a bow an
My Sister, My Daughter and My Initials 
d arrow.  I never really learned this stuff from him but Mike is a lot like him and wants to pass his knowledge to our children and grandchildren.  I realized God had renewed another part of my youth, I didn't even realize I was missing!!!!!  I cried when He hit me with that one!!!  Then I got on the same page as Mike real quick!!!

I am here to say that 2014 went out with a bang as we are now the proud owners of a piece of my heritage!!!  I stand on the property and look around at the hard work my grandpa put into that place and realize he did that for me!!!! (I know he did it for all his grands but I am one of them too)  I see the love he put into making a playground.  He even put electricity in the tree house!!  We won't be able to save the tree house because it is too far gone but hopefully we will rebuild it someday.

Bottom line I am so blessed to be living my youth again in soooo many ways.  I am blessed that God brought Mike to me to open up doors for me that I didn't even know were available.....We surprised the kids with the purchase for Christmas and they are super happy.

I don't tell you this to brag but to let you know that God's blessings are for everyone, not just for me and my family!!!
Here is another verse to prove it: Romans 2:11 amp For God shows no partiality [[a]undue favor or unfairness; with Him one man is not different from another].

I love ya and I wish the best for you in 2015!!!  